Toolwiz GameBoost - бесплатная утилита,
позволяющая настроить компьютер для увеличения производительности ваших игр или
интернета-соединения. Приложение не меняет параметры "железа" и не
нарушает системные файлы, обеспечивая ускорение за счет оптимизации ресурсов.
Отключает службы, которые не нужны для игр, отдавая ресурсы игре. Все изменения
вносятся одним кликом мыши. Имеет простой удобный интерфейс и требует совсем
немного системных ресурсов.
ToolWiz Game Boost allows you
to treak your PC settings to increase gaming and Internet performance so as to
improve gaming experience. ToolWiz Game Boost doesn't modify your hardware or
hardware settings. All modifications are performed via a single click of mouse.
The interface is simple, easy-to-use and easy-to-understand. No matter you are
a computer expert or just a beginner, with just a one single click, ToolWiz
Game Boost help concentrate every little system resource to enhance your gaming
When playing games on your PC, system resources can get easily strained,
resulting in lags during gameplay. Many users either do not know the precise
settings to switch off unwanted system services (for better gaming
performance), or find it annoying to continually switch between numerous
systems settings.
The options provided by ToolWiz Game Boost are quite simplified and easy to
understand. Furthermore, the applied changes are not sticky, and are undone the
moment you quit gaming mode. This enables easily reverting back to the default
system settings after playing a game. To optimize your system settings, select
the required options and click Enter Game Boost Mode. The options that can be
applied, include stopping keyboard hotkeys, network share, scheduled tasks,
Windows updates, sharing media and other devices, proxy auto-discovery, printer
support, Aero Glass effect for Windows 7/Vista, application compatibility
cache, network neighborhood, graphics and other devices. You can also defragment
the system memory and a selected game path.
ToolWiz Game Boost is a freeware for both home and commercial users.
Обновление: 2012
ОС: Win XP / Vista /
Язык: EN
Лекарство: Не требуется
Размер: 1.42/1.22
ToolWiz Game Boost
ToolWiz Game Boost Portable